Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mr Chouhan earns encomiums in Pakistani media for Beti Bachao Abhiyan
 Mr Chouhan earns encomiums in Pakistani 
media for Beti Bachao Abhiyan

By Muslim Saleem
Bhopal, November 25, 2011
The echo of Beti Bachao Abhiyan (Save the Girl Child Campaign) launched by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan has not only transcended borders of the state and India but is reverberating now in Pakistan as well. Pakistani electronic as well as print media have wholeheartedly welcomed this great and novel initiative of Mr Chouhan, reports SMS News & Features.
Latest in the series is an article written in Daily Jang, Karachi by Mr Masroor Ahmad Masoor. Masroor, who has connections with Bhopal, has showered fulsome praise on Beti Bachao Abhiyan and Chief Minister Mr Shivraj Singh Chouhan. The article was published in all the three editions of daily Jang i.e Karachi, Lahore & Rawalpindi Editions on 19th November, 2011 on colour page no 8 titled as Aman ki Asha. The website of daily jang is
Masroor while lavishing praise on Mr Chouhan said that he has not only envisioned this novel idea, but is also leaving no stone unturned in ensuring success of 'save daughter campaign'. He (Mr Chouhan) goes to every district creating awareness among people that daughters are not a burden, but a boon for families, societies and entire human race. He says that daughter is like an invaluable diamond which we have to protect. Mr Chouhan says that mistreatment with daughters will not be brooked. His government will take care of those parents who have only daughters. Masroor has also mentioned other girl and woman-oriented programmes launched by Chief Minister Mr Chouhan in his article and has urged the provincial governments of Pakistan to emulate the feat of Madhya Pradesh government headed by Mr Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Earlier, Ms Sofia Jamal, who is associated with famous Pakistani media group Dawn, has described Beti Bachao Abhiyan of Madhya Pradesh government led by Mr. Chouhan as a very positive initiative. She said that this campaign deserves encomiums since daughters are invaluable gift of nature.
Anchor of Dawn TV's popular programme "Kab Tak" Ms Sofia expressed this view while replying to a question during interview by a regional news channel Bansal News.
According to Ms Sofia, it has been a part of tradition in India and Pakistan that sons are preferred to daughters. While the fact of the matter is that daughters are not inferior to sons in any respect. Rather, they are ahead of boys in many fields. Apart from giving birth to children, they also do jobs and brining money to home. She admitted that she whole-heartedly praises this initiative of Madhya Pradesh government. Not only such campaigns are necessary in the interest of women, but there is also need to amend laws for their safety and security.
Bansal News Channel's interview with Ms Sofia Jamal was telecast on November 23.

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